DAFx25 – Welcome!

Ancona, Italy | 2-5 September 2025


We will warmly welcome researchers, developers, and practitioners to the 28th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx25) to be held in Ancona, Italy, organized by A3Lab (Department of Information Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche).

The conference will be hosted at the historical Mole Vanvitelliana, a cornerstone of culture in the port city of Ancona. The conference will feature oral presentations, poster and demo sessions, keynote addresses, and tutorials. The social program – including a welcome reception, concert and banquet – will offer opportunities for more informal interaction.


Final date for new submissionsMarch 31st
Reviewers get assignmentsApril 9th
Review dueApril 30th
Notification of acceptanceMay 6th
Borderline papers rebuttalMay 26th
Borderline papers notifiedJune 6th
Camera ready papers (all)June 13th
Demo submissionsMay 23rd
Demo notificationsJune 9th
Demo camera readyJuly 1st


Sponsors are now welcome to support the conference! Contact us at dafx25@dii.univpm.it to get in touch.



Ancona, Italy