Call for Demonstrations

The Call for Demonstrations invites scholars to submit demonstrations accompanied by a short paper (2-4 pages) in any of the areas indicated here. The demonstration should be technical and not have an overly commercial message. The demos will be presented within dedicated sessions at the conference venue. Please note, however, that the organizers will screen the submissions to verify that the authors’ needs can be satisfied. Typically, demos will have a table and electric outlets to connect laptops and further devices. Other technical requirements can be discussed but are not guaranteed to be fulfilled. Please provide detailed information on the submission page to avoid last-minute troubles. 

Submitted demo-papers must be camera-ready and formatted according to the templates and instructions available below. All papers must be submitted through the EasyChair conference management system and are subject to peer review. Acceptance may be conditional upon changes being made to the paper as directed by the reviewers.  

WARNING: DAFx25 demo papers will NOT be published as part of the proceedings in Scopus. However, it is possible to submit a full paper AND reserve a demo space at the conference. If your full paper has been accepted, you can ask for a demo space and provide all the details. Authors of a paper submitted to the main track do not need to submit a separate Demonstration paper, unless the demonstration requires explanations that go beyond what is already described in their main-track paper.   

Important dates 

Demonstration paper submission by May 23rd.  

Acceptance will be communicated on June 9th.  

Latex and Word templates